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EPR Registration for Plastic Waste Management (PWM)

EPR Registration for Plastic Waste Management (PWM) is a mandatory compliance requirement under India's Plastic Waste Management Rules, aimed at promoting responsible environmental practices. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) mandates manufacturers, importers, and brand owners (MIBOs) to ensure the proper collection, recycling, and disposal of plastic packaging waste generated by their products for sustainable waste management.

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EPR Registration for Plastic Waste Management (PWM) - Overview

Plastics are an integral part of modern life, widely used in packaging, consumer goods, and various industries. However, their non-biodegradable nature poses significant environmental challenges. In India alone, approximately 5.6 million tons of plastic waste are generated annually. To tackle this growing concern, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), under the Indian government, introduced the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) through the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.

EPR Registration for Plastic Waste Management is a mandatory requirement that holds producers, importers, and brand owners accountable for managing the plastic waste generated by their products. Additionally, plastic waste processors engaged in activities such as recycling, waste-to-energy conversion, plastic-to-oil conversion, and industrial composting are also mandated to register. This responsibility encompasses adopting eco-friendly practices such as recycling, reusing materials, and ensuring proper end-of-life disposal. By adhering to EPR for plastic waste, businesses contribute to sustainable waste management and help reduce environmental impact.

Understanding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regime, as outlined in the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, requires Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners (PIBOs) to manage the processing of their plastic packaging waste through recycling, reuse, or environmentally responsible disposal. If your organization qualifies as a PIBO and operates in India with plastic packaging, you must comply with the EPR requirements, regardless of your turnover or the scale of your operations.

EPR registration for plastic waste management involves adopting effective waste management strategies, including reprocessing, co-processing, plastic-to-oil conversion, road construction, and waste-to-energy technologies. These approaches are designed to address plastic waste challenges effectively while minimizing environmental impact.

Plastic Waste Management Rules

The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Government of India, has introduced comprehensive "Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Plastic Packaging" as part of the fourth amendment to the Plastic Waste Management Rules. These guidelines mandate that PIBOs must complete EPR registration for plastic waste management through the Central Pollution Control Board's (CPCB) online centralized portal.

This registration is essential for ensuring compliance with the regulations and promoting sustainable practices in plastic waste management.

Why is EPR Registration Important?

EPR registration will ensure that PIBOs adhere to India's Plastic Waste Management Rules and work towards a cleaner, sustainable environment. Companies intending to register depict their commitment to reduce the footprint of plastic waste, improve the chain of waste management, and decrease environmental impairment due to plastic pollution. More importantly, any non-compliance invites fines and penalties under the Environmental Compensation Levy.

Plastic Packaging Categories under EPR

Plastics under the rules of PWM is classified into two categories:

  • Category I: Rigid plastic packaging materials.
  • Category II: Flexible plastic packaging, including single-layer or multi-layer plastic (comprising different types of plastic), plastic sheets, covers made from plastic sheets, carry bags, and plastic sachets or pouches.
  • Category III: Multi-layered plastic packaging, consisting of at least one layer of plastic combined with at least one non-plastic material.
  • Category IV: Plastic sheets and similar materials used for packaging, along with carry bags made from compostable plastics.
  • Categories of plastic packaging under epr

    Process of EPR Registration for PIBOs/PWPs

    To obtain Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) registration for Plastic Waste Management, Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners (PIBOs) must complete an online application that includes the necessary information, documents, and fees. Below is a detailed outline of the EPR registration process:

  • Preparation of Documentation: Begin by preparing all required documents. Make sure they are available in PDF, JPG, or PNG format. Proper documentation is essential for the smooth progression of the application.
  • Registration for Login Credentials: Next, applicants must self-register on the centralized portal to generate their login credentials. These credentials will be used to access the portal and continue with the application process.
  • Submission of the Application: After logging in, applicants should submit the application form. There are separate sections for Producers, Brand Owners, and Importers. Ensure that the form is completed accurately and that all relevant documents are uploaded in each section.
  • Payment of Application Fees: The required application fee must be paid online through the payment gateway integrated within the portal. It is crucial to confirm that the payment has been successfully processed before moving forward.
  • Processing of the Application: Once submitted, the application will be processed. For PIBOs operating in one or two states, the application will be forwarded to the respective State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) or Pollution Control Committees (PCCs). Applications from PIBOs active in multiple states will be handled by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
  • Grant of EPR Registration: Finally, the registration will be granted. Applications will be reviewed by authorized officials within 15 days. If any false information or documents are found, the application will be rejected. Upon successful verification, the CPCB, SPCB, or PCC will issue the EPR Registration Certificate with a digital signature via the portal.
  • By following this process, PIBOs can efficiently secure EPR registration and ensure compliance with the requirements for Plastic Waste Management.

    Required Documents for Plastic Waste Management

    Producer Importer Brand Owner
    GST Certificate GST Certificate GST Certificate
    Company Pan Card Company Pan Card Company Pan Card
    Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Incorporation
    IEC copy ( If any) IEC copy Product images that you are selling in themarket
    Product images (Raw Material) Product images with plastic packaging Product imagewith plastic packaging
    Aadhar and Pan card of authorized signatory Product name and images that you are selling in the market Aadhar and Pan card of authorized signatory
    Udyam Certificate Aadhar and Pan card of authorized signatory Udyam Certificate (IF ANY) otherwise please confirm your last year turnover.
    E-Mail Id &Contact Number Of Authorized Person Udyam Certificate ( If any) otherwise please confirm that last year turnover ) E-Mail Id &Contact Number Of Authorized Person
    Any one Purchase invoice ( Import) of 21-22 and 22-23 E-Mail Id& Contact Number of Authorized Person Any one purchase invoice of 21-22 and 22-23
    Any one Sale invoice (domestic) of 21-22 and 22-23 Any one Purchase invoice (Import) of 22-23 and 23-24 Scanned copy of company stamp and signature ( foruploading on the portal)
    Scanned copy of company stamp and signature ( for uploading on the portal) Any one sale invoice (domestic) of 22-23 and 23-24 Copy of Company Letterhead
    Copy of Company Letterhead Bank details Last 2 financial year weight, you are using in your product for packaging
    Flow Diagram Of Manufacturing Process Showing Input And Output In Terms Of ProductsAnd Waste Generated Including For Captive Power Generation And Water Scanned copy of company stamp and signature ( for uploading on the portal)
    Consent letter of Air and Water Act Copy of Company Letterhead
    Pictures of the facility - Raw material storage area, Production process, Products dispatch area Last 2 financial year plastic packagingmaterial, you have using in your product for packaging ( weight)
    Latest Electricity bill
    Disaster management plan
    Plant Machinery details – Name of machine, Power rating (kwh), Operating hours(h), Processing Capacity (weight), Image of machine
    Product Images ( produced )
    Total production capacity (weight)
    Plot Area of theFacility (sqm)
    Note: Micro & Small scale of companies are exempted in plastic EPR certification only medium and large scale will apply.

    EPR Registration for Plastic Waste Management Fees

    No Type of fees/Charges Amount
    1 Government Fees 10,000/-
    2 Service Fees 10,000 - 15,000/-


    The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regime plays a pivotal role in India's approach to sustainable plastic waste management. By making producers and businesses responsible for the waste their products generate, EPR promotes a circular economy where materials are efficiently reused and recycled. The Central Pollution Control Board’s (CPCB) EPR portal provides a comprehensive framework to enhance transparency, accountability, and compliance throughout the waste management process. Although challenges persist, the effective implementation of EPR has the potential to drastically reduce plastic waste's environmental impact, moving India toward a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

    EVTL India is one of the leading consultants in the field of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) registration, assisting companies in navigating the complex regulatory requirements of plastic waste management in India. With extensive expertise in EPR compliance, EVTL India helps producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) obtain EPR registration, ensuring they adhere to India's Plastic Waste Management Rules. Their comprehensive services include guiding entities through the registration process, maintaining compliance, and implementing sustainable waste management strategies, thereby contributing to a cleaner and more eco-friendly environment.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    What is EPR registration for plastic waste management?
    EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) registration is a mandatory compliance requirement for producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) to manage the plastic waste generated by their products. It ensures that these entities take responsibility for environmentally sound disposal, recycling, or repurposing of the plastic they introduce into the market.
    Who needs to register for EPR under the Plastic Waste Management Rules?
    The Producers, Importers, Brand Owners (BO), and Plastic Waste Processors (entities engaged in recycling, waste-to-energy conversion, plastic-to-oil conversion, and industrial composting) must register on the centralized portal developed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
    What are the penalties for non-compliance with EPR registration?
    Failure to comply with EPR requirements can result in serious consequences, including hefty fines, license cancellations, and legal action. Repeated violations may lead to the closure of business operations. The exact penalties are determined by the Pollution Control Board based on the nature and severity of the violation.
    How is the EPR target for plastic waste collection determined?
    EPR targets are calculated based on the weight of plastic introduced into the market by a producer or importer. These targets, typically set as a percentage of the total plastic generated, may vary depending on the type of plastic material and must be achieved through recycling or environmentally responsible disposal methods.
    Can small businesses or startups apply for EPR registration?
    Yes, all entities that produce, import, or use plastic packaging materials are required to register for EPR, regardless of their size. Small businesses and startups are not exempt but may have different obligations based on the volume of plastic they handle.
    How long is EPR registration valid, and is it renewable?
    EPR registration is usually valid for a specific period, often between 1 to 3 years, depending on the guidelines of the CPCB or SPCB. It must be renewed before expiration by submitting updated compliance reports and action plans to ensure continued adherence to plastic waste management requirements.