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Important update regarding Indian Standard applicable to all existing Licence holders/ New applicants/ manufacturers/ importers/ product sellers for Protective Textiles (Protective gloves for firefighters)

The Ministry of Textiles, through its notification dated 10th April 2023, issued the Protective Textiles (Quality Control) Order, 2022 to ensure conformity of specified goods to Indian Standards. Subsequently, the Ministry issued the Protective Textiles (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024, dated 11th September 2024, to provide additional time for compliance with the required standards. 

1. Short Title and Commencement

1.1 This Order may be called the Protective Textiles (Quality Control) Order, 2022.

1.2 It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official Gazette (11th September 2024). 

2. Application

2.1 This Order shall apply to goods or articles categorized as Protective Textiles (Protective gloves for firefighters).

2.2 Exceptions:

  • This Order does not apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export purposes.
  • Goods or articles manufactured domestically or imported before the date of commencement of this Order may be sold or displayed up to six months from the date of commencement of the Amendment Order, 2024, provided the manufacturer or importer submits a Chartered Accountant-certified declaration to the Bureau. 

3. Compulsory Use of Standard Mark

3.1 Goods or articles classified as Protective Textiles (Protective gloves for firefighters) shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard IS 16874:2018.

3.2 Such goods shall bear the Standard Mark (ISI Mark) under a license from the Bureau, in accordance with Scheme-I of Schedule-II of the BIS (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018. 

4. Certification and Enforcement Authority

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) shall act as the certifying and enforcing authority for the goods or articles classified as Protective Textiles (Protective gloves for firefighters). 

5. Penalty for Contravention

Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Order shall be punishable under the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016). 

Stay compliant and prepare your business for these important regulatory changes to continue operating within the industry's guidelines!

Date Of Implementation: 11 September 2024

BIS Certification for Protective Gloves for Firefighters IS 16874: 2018